Welcome to COP!
Grace and Peace be unto you from God our Father! Indeed, it is with great humility and bliss that we welcome you to Celebration of Praise Ministries, Inc.
We are exited and fully embrace your decision to connect with the delegation of Celebration of Praise Ministries, Inc. (C.O.P) and acknowledging this reformation as your spiritual covering.
Furthermore, as a Pastor of this reformation, you have the right to choose the Jurisdiction in which your local delegation shall be housed.
One is not obligated to be housed in a jurisdiction per the physical location of his/her local assembly. I am excited to see how God chooses to display your gifts in the work of this ministry!

Who Are We?
Since the inception of the Celebration of Praise Ministries, Incorporated, it has been and still is the intent that we bring together a group of saints, who will put away mundane things such as denominational issues. We endeavor to build God a church, a nation and kingdom, where others can come magnify, glorify and praise God; receive deliverance, healing, salvation and divine purpose for their lives. We will not hinder any one from administering the way God gives it to him or her, as long as they are being truly led of God and following sound doctrine according to the Holy Scriptures.
Official Creed
I believe in God the Father, who made the heavens and the earth, in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born to the Virgin Mary and now sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
I believe that the holy scriptures were written by holy men of God and according to the apostles’ doctrine, men can only come by faith through the holy and inspired son of God, Jesus Christ.
That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that repentance is the commandment that God gave for the forgiveness of sin; that justification, regeneration, and the new birth are acts of faith wrought by the blood of Jesus.
I believe further in water baptism, speaking in other tongues as the spirit gives utterance, divine healing, the Lord’s Supper, and eternal life for those who believe on his name.