
Archbishop and Executive Board
Chief Apostle
Executive Secretary

Archbishop Q.S.
Caldwell, Th.D., D.D.
1st Assistant

William Adside
2nd Assistant

Derrick Mike, Ph.D.

Executive Board Members
Executive Secretary

Bishop Johnnie Brown, III, D.SL.
Board Member

Bishop Clarence Wall
Board Member

Bishop Darryl E. Williams
Board Member

Bishop Anthony J. Freeman

National Officers
of Protocol

Bishop Kenny E.
Board of Bishops and Overseers

Bishop Alvin Freeland

Board of Bishops

Bishop Alvin Freeland

Bishop J.L. Wright

Board of Presbyters

Dr. Joseph Brickhouse

General Supervisor of Women

Dr. Celeste Washington

National Auxillary Leaders
Chief Adjutant to the
Archbishop - MOH
National Nurse -
National Minister
of Music
National Music

Sister Loretta

Overseer Andrew

Minister Michelle

National Auxillary Leaders
Chief Apostle
National Youth President
National Youth
School of Ministry
and Seminary

Lady Karra Williams

Dr. Robert O'Keefe

National Auxillary Leaders
Chief Apostle
National Evangelism
National Evangelism
National Media

Davis Hines

Chairlady Brandelyn
Harris - Crumedy

Jennifer C. Bailey
The National Auxiliaries of Celebration of
Praise Minstries, Inc. act as secondary bodies of
the church and are essentially associations
within the larger organization.
The main goals of the auxiliary are to assist in
ensuring the viability of the organziation as well
as to give members an opportunity to offer their
service and leadership.

National Women's Department
The Women's Department consists of boards, auxiliaries, units and circles which
provide teaching, training and ministry opportunities. We foster spiritual, emotional
and intellectual growth by continually creating, implementing and updating
programs for all categories of women in ministry and the secular world.
The goal of the Men's Department is to minister to the total man: spiritually, physically
and intellectually. It is our endeavor to offer many gainful avenues to meet the needs
of men everywhere. The Men’s Department is designed to empower men to impact
the world, to help lead their men into deeper relationship with Christ, and greater
spiritual effectiveness in the community.
Home and Foreign Missions Department
National Men's Department
The Home and Foreign Missions Department is assigned to the International Region of
COP and it's constituency by providing Ministry and Christian service.

Ministry of Helps (MOH)
The Ministry of Helps (MOH) is a team of men and women who are united and organized to help make ministry work. Some of the responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
(1) Preparation for the Consecration and Installation of new Bishops; (2) The dignified execution of Homegoing Celebrations for deceased Leaders; (3) Assisting the Presiding Bishop in the orderly conduction of National ceremonial occasions, as well as, (4) Performing any other duty that the Presiding Bishop may assign.
National Evangelism Department
The Evangelism Deaprtment is designed primarily to win or revive personal
commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ with all persons through the
development, promotion, and support of all forms and phases of evangelism
through the local community, assembly and abroad.

National Youth Department
Our mission is to enrich the lives of COP’s youth by providing
opportunities that encourage them to reach their full potential
spiritually, academically, socially, and physically through programming
in a Christ-centered community.
National Music Department
The purpose of the National Music Department is to share the gospel of Jesus
Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the
congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may
share their gift and be an integral part of the worship service.
The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through music experiences.
The Music Ministry also enables choir members to grow spiritually by
committing their time and talents to God. The Music Ministry provides worship
music for assigned church worship services and special services outside of the

National Youth Department
Our mission is to enrich the lives of COP’s youth by providing
opportunities that encourage them to reach their full potential
spiritually, academically, socially, and physically through programming
in a Christ-centered community.
National Music Department
The purpose of the National Music Department is to share the gospel of Jesus
Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the
congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may
share their gift and be an integral part of the worship service.
The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through music experiences.
The Music Ministry also enables choir members to grow spiritually by
committing their time and talents to God. The Music Ministry provides worship
music for assigned church worship services and special services outside of the

The Celebration of Praise School of Ministry and Seminary is a learning
community committed to setting high expectations and standards for all
students in Christian Education, Ministry and Leadership. It is the
responsibility of our institution to foster an environment that encourages
students to be excited about learning, challenges them to be the very
best they can be, and celebrates each student as an individual.
As a collaborative community at the Celebration of Praise School of
Ministry and Seminary we are committed to the cultivation of joyful and
meaningful learning experiences where innovation, perseverance and
communication serve as the cornerstones. It is the people...the
administration, faculty, students and ministries who come together
making the Celebration of Praise School of Ministry and Seminary a
wonderfully enriching and nurturing place to learn and grow.
Visit our website at www.copsomas.org